Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Take care of yourselves

I've been suffering from a case of tendonitis. When the first symptoms started, I had no idea what it could be and thought that if I took some ibruprofen, coupled with a large dose of denial, that it would just go away. However.......after two weeks of pain, learned it was tendonitis and realized that it was caused by poor posture at the computer and while I was on the phone. I was reminded of the quote attributed to Eubie Blake when he said: "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."

On the weekend, I was speaking with beloved Shetlander, Bess Jamieson who is a retired nursing matron. Bess gave me some hints on treatment and ended with telling me to put on a Shetland shawl for warmth. Good advice!

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